Influencias vienen de todas partes, pero los disparos salen principalmente por instinto. ¿Cuál es el instinto? Es toda una vida de acumulación de influencias: la experiencia, los conocimientos, ver y escuchar. Hay poco tiempo para la reflexionar en la toma de una fotografía.

-Arnold Newman

domingo, 2 de enero de 2011

Wish you were here


Old at heart but I'm only 24, And I'm much too young, To let love break my heart
Young at heart but it's getting much too late, To find ourselves so far apart

I don't know how you're supposed, To find me lately
And what more could you ask from me, How could you say that I never needed you
When you took everything, Said you took everything from me

Young at heart an it gets so hard to wait, When no one I know can seem to help me now
Old at heart but I musn't hesitate, If I'm to find my own way out

I'll never find anyone to replace you, Guess I'll have to make it thru, this time- Oh this time
Without you...

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